Friday, July 27, 2012

Bitch Please

Why is it that when someone are upset with another person, they always resort to name calling? Have we all not evolved from the playground yet?
At least no adult (hopefully) is going around calling others "poo poo head"
No, as age ascends the name calling gets cruder and harsher.
"Fucking Bitch"
"Stupid Cunt"
"Fat peice of Shit"

Oh that's really nice, thank you for your input on my life.
I just know I could never have lived without it...
In case you're wondering I'm rolling my eyes.

(good ole' fashion insults!!)

It's funny how strangers seem to think that their opinions in someone's life matters. As if they are so important and knowledgeable about everything that they have THE RIGHT to insult whoever and how ever they please.

I beg of you, If you're going to insult people get more creative...
use big words so that the people you're insulting doesn't necessarily realize that you are actually insulting them....
Oh wait, what am I saying?!?!
You don't have an extensive vocabulary, do you?
I'm so sorry I forgot for a moment that you are the cretin that thinks it's funny and appropriate to cuss at others to get you're frivolous point across that no one but you actually cares about.

See, just like that. There are better ways to make people feel bad about themselves.
You, as a bully, just have to learn how to do it correctly.
Take a lesson from Leonard Hofstadter, at least he knows how to insult!

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