Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Goth Girls (and thier Kitties!)

There is nothing sweeter then the relationship between a goth and her cat. There is a reason why the stereotype for goth girls to always have a cat... because pretty much all goth girls do in fact have a cat or two! I know I am no exception and neither are any of my friends!

Emily the Strange

I believe the history of cats and the superstition that surrounds them might have something to do with it. Cats have always been revered, Egyptians worshiped them! (and rightly so!) They have an air of mystery. Yet at the same time some might actually "fear" them. See a black cat, and you'll have bad luck.

The most popular cat amongst goths, the black cat! Now, it might just have something to do with the fact that they match our outfits!
I personally have a Russian Blue called Natasha! (the best Russian spies are always called Natasha!)

                                                My Bestest friend Grace and her kitty Isis.

Or sometimes even the Queen Kitty her self is GOTH!

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